Every year, a new Commissioner of Tech and Media is elected by Bishop Manogue students and staff. 2024 was no different, as current senior Drew Bradeson was elected to the position. As Commissioner of Tech and Media, Drew manages the @manoguespirit Instagram account, where he posts about upcoming events regarding Bishop Manogue athletics, service opportunities, school spirit days, and other school events. With this responsibility he also teams up with various students and staff. One of them is Rory Limbert, the current Commissioner of Recognition, with whom he posts Miner of the Week. Each week, a student who embodies what it means to be a Miner through athletic contests, acts of service, or school spirit is recognized. Drew also collaborates with Nikki Dickey, Communications and Marketing Specialists, on announcements and updates regarding Bishop Manogue events.
When asked about the position, Drew shared, “I enjoy keeping the Bishop Manogue community involved with many different aspects that Manogue offers. Unifying the students, families, and alumni is paramount to continuation of the Manogue family.” Drew is also learning great communication skills where he “talk[s] to people who [he’d] thought [he’d] never talk to.”
Vince Clark, senior, praised Drew, saying, “Drew does a great job. It’s impressive to see how he cares to keep everyone informed.” We are greatly appreciate the work Drew does. He consistently goes above and beyond the required tasks. At the Welcome Back and Homecoming rallies, he took live pictures of the students participating in the games. He also takes pictures at the boy’s basketball games.

Via: Drew Bradeson
September 27, 2024
Pictured: Rory Limbert

December 5th, 2024 vs Jesuit HS
Pictured: #2 Eli Benna
Drew takes pride in his position as Commissioner of Tech and Media. He hopes that the next commissioner will “continue the communication and involvement to meet the standard by those set before me.”