Elon Musk’s latest creation and advancement with Tesla’s human-like robot, Optimus, raises many concerns and questions about AI’s and robotic advancement’s roles in our future and communities. Optimus, or the “Tesla Bot,’ is marketed as a solution for a wide range of everyday tasks, and much more. Optimus can assist with manufacturing, labor jobs, household chores, and overall can assist with any task you would rather not do. However, as this impressive technology advances, concerns about safety, economy, and more, are brought to light.
One major concern I can imagine could become a major issue is the concern about Tesla Bots taking over human jobs. There have always been concerns about artificial intelligence taking over the job market, and pushing out any need for human labor, and Optimus exemplifies how this could exactly happen. Businesses and corporations have already begun to replace human jobs with a computer or tablet, such as self-checkout, the Tesla Bot would and will create many employment shifts once brought to the public. While some may argue that this is an advancement in society and our future that could very well increase productivity, worldwide unemployment is a larger issue at stake. As more tasks are given to robots and any type of artificial intelligence, we risk the value of human labor, as skilled and high-paying jobs will be turned over to Optimus.
An AI-driven Identity could also create many concerns and issues regarding safety, data privacy, and security. There are just so many issues that could be created, even Tesla cars record your driving habits and abilities, who to say Tesla Bots won’t collect data from their household owners and use it to manipulate or abuse said owner, along with the potential issue of the ability of hacking. Hacking into somebodies home robot could lead to major issues within the comfort of your home, proving the need for strict rules and regulations regarding AI and technological advancements in the future.
Optimus is an amazing and impressive technological advancement, especially showing how rapidly Artificial Intelligence can develop, but it may be more harm than good. It is important to shed the issues to light so our communities can feel safe without concern about AI taking over their households, relationships, occupations, and more.