This year, the Bishop Manogue Catholic High School ski team saw many victories on the slopes. Even though there was less snow this year, the ski team still was able to perform well. Alongside that, many members of the team who are seniors completed their years as a part of the Manogue Ski Team are saying goodbye to the team.
The season had a bit of a rough start, with many people being unable to complete the races, however this quickly changed. The team saw a very large number of victories afterwards, ensuring that many of the members of the team would make it to state. At state, the boys division saw Ronan Gini place fifth and Kole Cronin place third. Emilia Hsu was able to achieve a podium placement in the girls division.
One of the Ski team’s senior racers, Mia Oetjen, was asked what her feelings were in regards to her last year on the team: “I am sad that it is over, but happy that I was able to be a part of the team all four years here.” I’m sure that Mia speaks for the seniors of the ski team when she says this. The Bishop Manogue Ski Team is a very tight knit group of friends who all work together to get the win every season. This season was filled with impressive wins, fun memories, and heartfelt goodbyes. We hope to see more snow, more wins, and more fun times on the slopes next year as well.