Reduce Reuse Recycle

Green Club logo

Kalle Bailey

Green Club is a new and leading-edge organization at Manogue and  is “green” in more ways than one! Still in its first year of operation, the club has numerous projects on its to-do list which includes establishing itself as the school’s environmental watch-dog and conscience for a cleaner and more efficient environment. Green Club’s President and founder is junior, Allison Gunderson. She plans out meetings, keeps track of the members, controls money, and organizes events.

Junior Allison Gunderson

Allison first had the idea to start Green Club as a freshman. Manogue’s lack of any recycling system sparked her concern. She later discovered that the school had dropped its former recycling company because the fees were too expensive. At the end of her sophomore year, Allison decided to take a chance and offer an environmental venue for students. She states, “I’m really passionate about it and I had some free time on my hands. I was finally able to plan out and do what I wanted to do.” Her commitment is the catalyst that will bring awareness and action to this important issue.

Every member in Green Club is excited to help Manogue become more environmentally active. Allison plans to bring in a speaker from “Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful” to educate the club members on steps they can take to get this project off the ground. Already in the works is an all-school recycling awareness competition right here on campus. In addition, the club hopes to place recycling bins in every classroom, with contents being re-purposed instead of being thrown into the dumpsters and becoming landfill. Future projects include reviving the organic garden area that was once located behind the Knowledge Center, and installing a compost receptacle in the SCC. Composting is a natural process of recycling left-over food such as vegetables, egg shells and scraps whose decomposition yields humus-rich soil .

Juniors, Adrianna Osmetti and Tim Walsh recycle in the SCC. (photo courtesy of Karen Myrehn)

The Green Club’s efforts represent what we can potentially accomplish at Manogue; but more importantly, these endeavors advance the necessary skills that students can bring into their own lives as environmentally-conscious human beings. This club brings an exciting new focus to Manogue and to our planet as a whole!

If you are interested in joining this green effort, please contact Allison Gunderson for more information.