Faith Means Family
Kairos participants taking the leap into the cold Tahoe water. Photo courtesy of the Bishop Manogue Yearbook Staff.
November 8, 2018

Bishop Manogue offers a spiritual retreat for juniors and seniors called Kairos. It is held three times a year, and its counterpart for freshmen and sophomores is Quest. The people who lead this retreat are specifically chosen. The actual retreat lasts three days and is a very fun and rewarding experience. Interviewing senior Alyssa Poudrier “I feel like Kairos was a very unique experience and I recommend it to everyone.”
When asked why they wanted to lead, senior Riley Dion said “I went on Quest and wanted to be a part of something that changed the lives of the students here”. When asked when they attended first, senior Alyssa Poudrier said “ Last spring, and it was really cool! I went with friends and also made a bunch of new friends.” Some suggestions from the leaders themselves “Go in with no expectations, you get more out of it with putting more into it. It’s the best thing ever”. But the leaders look forward most to “seeing people open up more than usual, getting to know these people, and looking at the gorgeous view of Tahoe.” says Alyssa. “We had a new batch of retreatrees, and a great group of leaders excited for the experience making it better and better.”
As you can see, this year’s Kairos leaders are ready for the retreats coming up. Make sure you sign up if you are a junior or a senior! I guarantee you will have a great time as long as you put something extra into it.