Hybrid or Back to Online?

September 22, 2020
Should we continue doing hybrid or go back to online school? This is a debated question between students, parents and teachers. Everyone has different opinions about this, but what do I think would really benefit us? I believe that we should continue doing hybrid. Students should have the opportunity to continue to see their friends at school safely. Doing hybrid has benefited students by giving them days to relax online and days to be productive at school. Personally when I am at home it is much more chill and easier to do my work, since it is basically self paced. When I am at school though it is more of a fast paced environment to get our work done. Besides this, a lot of students still have to go to school everyday to receive academic help. Thus, nothing has really changed for those students, and they can benefit from actually learning at school instead of struggling online. I believe that Manogue has one of the best understandings of doing hybrid, they let students stay home if they want to and there is no pressure to struggle online from students that prefer to go everyday.
The real debate is not just up to me but other students as well. In an interview with students most of the answers were that they had mixed feelings about the learning environment. One student said, “Sucks I would rather be at school.” Another student said they appreciated the environment because “Some people just learn better in a classroom.” Another question asked was whether the students were struggling or succeeding more while doing hybrid learning. Most students were proud to say that they succeed in this environment. Lastly 4/4 students all agreed that they all prefer being in school. I think it is safe to say that our students will put up with their learning environment because it’s what keeps them safe, but they would all rather go to school full time. For the time being, this solution of hybrid school is the best option because at least we all get to school part time.