This year Bishop Manogue will be turning 75 years old. Focusing on the opportunities and history of Manogue, this weekend was the annual BASH event hosted by Bishop Manogue on Bishop Manogue’s front lawn. BASH stands for “Building A Scholastic Heritage.”
Those who attended this event were some of Manogue’s alum, along with some of the biggest contributors to the scholarships for students. Bishop Manogue has been striving to help those who wouldn’t be able to attend without the financial support that contributors and Bishop Manogue provides. “Currently one in four students receive some sort of financial aid,” said Bishop Manogue’s President, Matt Schambari.
Hundreds of important Bishop Manogue affiliated members attended. A few leadership members lined the halls with fact cards with interesting historical facts about each of the decades.
The night concluded with a live auction commentated by Jimmy Minor. All of the proceeds go to the students at Bishop Manogue in need of financial assistance.
Bishop Manogue’s annual BASH event
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About the Contributor

Brycen Bowers, Staff Writer
Brycen Bowers is a senior at Bishop Manogue Catholic High School. She is Varsity Captain for the Cheer Team and Student Body Vice President. She loves being involved in all and any school activities. She is looking forward to her first year with the Miner Detail Staff.