Where is Miner TV?

Kendal Cervantes and Katrina (Kat) Simons broadcasting sports on Miner TV. (Photo courtesy of Mrs. Myrehn)

Adrianna Osmetti, News Editor

Many students have been wondering where Miner TV is in the mornings.  Miner TV is a student broadcast that delivers school announcements. This year, the broadcast has received a new time slot. Originally the broadcast aired at the beginning of the morning five days a week; now it runs after morning break on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday or when the schedule includes periods 1-4. However, this small change has a big impact on the daily routines of students and teachers.

Mr. and Mrs. Myrehn are the directors of Miner TV. Mrs. Myrehn said that one reason for the change is that Mr. Myrehn cannot be in newsroom during periods 5-8 because he teaches classes those periods in the upstairs computer lab. She also thinks that the change is good because it feels less rushed to get everything organized for the broadcast. This time slot after Break also makes it easier for teams and other students who are making announcements to be on time to their next class because they are already into mid-day and do not have the morning rush of lockers, supplies, restroom stops and talking to friends.  With fewer broadcast days, she thinks that students pay a little more attention because it is more of a “novelty” instead of an everyday routine.

Erica Van Gelder and Adrianna Osmetti broadcasting the main news. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Myrehn.

After speaking with a few students, the consensus is that they like certain aspects of the new Miner TV schedule but dislike others. For example, junior Riley Tolles, says that some teachers often forget to put on Miner TV which makes getting the news difficult; and it now seems to some that Miner TV has been put on a back burner. Joey Davis, also a junior, wishes Miner TV was at the beginning of the first class because it was a chance for him to relax before the busy day began. However, now for the three days a week, he enjoys the cartoons and jokes added to each show because it “brightens his day.”

Students are not the only ones affected by the new Miner TV schedule; but teachers are as well. English teacher, Ms. LaPointe, prefers starting each day with Miner TV because she thinks it is good for “school culture” with the whole Manogue family watching and enjoying the broadcast together. However, LaPointe feels that with the previous five-day schedule, the announcements became repetitive. Now, the three-day adjustment balances the amount of news with the number of broadcasts. The new Miner TV schedule is definitely in a transition period, but soon the “new” will seem like the norm.

Sarah Rawlins, Mr. Myrehn, Riley Dion, and Lucas Testa working behind the scenes on Miner TV. Photo Courtesy of Mrs. Myrehn.