2020 Election: Before we Know The Results

Photo by USAToday.com

Antonio Rivas

Everything about this year is crazy, unexpected, and INCREDIBLY weird. Everyone, especially those in the United States, have had to deal with the global pandemic, the most controversial election in American history, and the riots that were raging through the summer.
This year, 2020, the most controversial American election to ever happen is underway. As of writing this article, the election has not been decided. Due to the pandemic, a massive number of mail-in ballots were sent by Americans to try and avoid polling places that could be deadly, disease-harboring communal center. Donald Trump, the current president, is actively trying to get these mail-in ballots to be nulled and not counted in the election. If that were to happen, there is a very good chance that he will win reelection. The reasoning for Trump’s wish that mail-in ballots be nulled is because for most Trump supporters, they would rather vote in-person. For a majority of Biden supports, mail-in voting seems like a safer option. Because more Trump supporters believes that voting in-person was a better option, more votes started to come in for the President on election night. As a matter of fact, if voting were closed at 12:00 am on November 4th, Donald Trump would have won.
Trump and his supporters who believe in voting fraud should take a hard look at what they believe. We live in the greatest country in the world. The integrity of an election in the United States is like nothing other the world has ever seen and that does not change today or tomorrow. Biden and his supporters need to hope that when the final count in each state is announced, he has enough votes to reach 270 in the electoral college. If he does not, a man that is actively endorsed by the Klu Klux Klan will be the leader of the free world for the next four years.