Bishop Manogue High School Closes Bathrooms

Bishop Manogue High School Closes Bathrooms

Cade Patten, Staff Writer

For the past few weeks at BMCHS there have been massive closures to the bathrooms around the school. As of now there are only three open, one in the north side and one in the south side. The upper bathrooms remain closed due to them being vandalised. There was a week where all of the bathrooms were closed except for the faculty ones as well as the one on the northern side. A large amount of people were, and still are upset about the closure of the bathrooms. The bathrooms were closed because of students vandalizing or destroying objects. The reason for the closures are still somewhat obscure, but there is good reason to open them up again.

Due to the bathrooms being closed, the amount of people inside them during passing period is huge. We have eight minutes to get from one class to another, which causes a huge amount of people to go into the bathrooms. On average there are about eight to ten people in the bathrooms, but I have seen as many as twelve in there at a time. The bathrooms being closed is not just the problem. Students are no longer allowed outside of class to go use the bathroom anymore. The combined effect of not being allowed out of class to use the bathroom as well as the crowding inside the bathrooms during passing period causes people to have to wait hours until they can use the bathroom.

Benefits from opening the bathrooms include better focus in class, reduced amount of people in one bathroom, and general wellbeing for students. A large amount of people at BMCHS have argued the point that the closure to the bathrooms was unfair to the people who wouldn’t do any damage to school property. There are the locker rooms in the northern side of the school, as well as the bathroom at the cafeteria, but these are far from classrooms which makes them harder to get to. The school should open our bathrooms back up and make things normal again.