White House Plumbers – HBO Takes a New Approach to Telling the Story of the Watergate Scandal
May 8, 2023
White House Plumbers, a five-part limited series , was just released on HBO Max. The series revisits the infamous Watergate scandal, but puts a comedic spin on it. With standout actors like Woody Harrelson and Justin Theroux, White House Plumbers has the potential to be a hit series.
After watching the first episode of the series, I felt mixed opinions. The dialogue and delivery was incredibly witty and the editing had great comedic timing, but the scenes jumped around a bit, which made it confusing to follow. The plot also isn’t primarily concerned with accurately telling the story, but with getting a laugh, which was expected. Harrelson and Theroux bring life and personality to their characters in a way that’s both fun to watch and leaves you on the edge of your seat.

The second part of the series comes out May 8, 2023, and I have high hopes for what it will bring. Seeing a historical series that is also fun to watch is rare, and White House Plumbers seems to boast both qualities.