Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you only have five dollars on your school card, but the singular sandwich and soda that you want to buy is seven dollars total? I’m sure we all have been in this position before. Bishop Manogue’s lunch prices are extremely high for the amount and quality of the food they are selling.
Most students don’t have paying jobs and use that time instead to focus on academics or sports. Because of this, students aren’t making enough money (or any at all) to pay for their pricey school lunches. Yes, parents are willing to pay for this, but they want their children to learn how to be responsible and handle money on their own.
In addition to this, the markup is way too high for the quality of food that is served. A muffin costs $4.75, but costs only $3.98 for four muffins at Walmart. A cookie at Manogue is $1.75, while at Walmart, you can buy thirty-six times as many OREO cookies for $3.98!
Some students have voiced that they bring their own packed lunches because the condition of the hot-lunches does not appear to be very appetizing. One student says, “I was quite alarmed to find a 2.5 inch bone shard in my chicken sandwich.”
In conclusion, the school should reprice the food that they sell to match its quality and quantity. Another solution would be to keep the price the same, but increase the quality of the food. They should change the standard hot lunch to $4, to cookies to be a dollar, and any other miscellaneous item to be between a dollar and $2.