Devious Licks Hit Manogue


Addyson Esslin, Staff Writer

Students all over the country are being affected by a new trend on Tik Tok called “devious licks.” This trend has made it to Manogue, which has led to most of the bathrooms being locked. Many students are upset that they have to walk across the entire school to go to the bathroom during class. The small trend is affecting the entire country in negative ways.

The “devious lick” trend started on Tik Tok a few weeks ago. The point is to steal something from school without getting caught, and things are mostly stolen out of the bathroom because there are no cameras in there. If you scroll on your for-you page on Tik Tok you can find many things being stolen, from soap dispensers to car doors. The trend started as a joke, but quickly escalated into something much larger within a few weeks. People are not happy with the trend, including students and staff at Manogue. Some say that it is very hard to walk across the school just to go to the bathroom, and that the trend isn’t funny anymore because teachers no longer trust students to go to the bathroom. This trend might be funny to some, but others are very unhappy. Teachers are also mad because they have to watch the bathrooms during lunch and break, and they say it’s disrupting class time for kids to walk across the school to use the restroom.

These “devious licks” have gotten very out of hand and are affecting everyone. It’s time to stop so we can all use the bathrooms again.