Is a Trendy Thing to Do Worth Destruction of Property?

Is a Trendy Thing to Do Worth Destruction of Property?

Cole Rodriguez, Contributor

As if like a moth to a flame, students follow in the footsteps of those around them, to be considered cool amongst the ranks of their peers, succumbing to the social hierarchy that is Highschool. Unfortunately this sometimes entails the destruction of school property, a harsh demeanor towards staff, and so many other things that I could write whole other articles about. Why are more and more students finding it ok to act like this? In what stretch of the imagination does pulling a sign off a paper towel dispenser or flooding a bathroom seem ok? Why can’t everyone just think about their actions before doing something of this level of harm and ignorance?

I feel as if saying this will make me out to be a lot older than I am, but the internet has such a firm grip over the students at Manogue that they don’t even realize what’s happening. Students will see some “New trend” that they just have to sink their teeth into. Having this pressure to conform so they don’t fall into the guise of being the kid who didn’t do it too. I understand that peer pressure is a thing that affects everyone on a daily basis but I’d hope in a time where it’s so easy to get caught that they’d think before doing something so idiotic. I just struggle seeing the point of all this. Putting yourself at the mercy of the Dean of Students for a 35 dollar bathroom appliance is beyond me.

It’s as if no one thinks that the rules apply to them. I commend, applaud even, their bravery at times. But the punishment outweighs the fun ten fold. Personally I know if I pulled a “Devious Lick” it would have been the end of everything I like to do, so I don’t understand how other students don’t care even a little. I don’t know how it is in other peoples homes and I won’t make assumptions. But all I ask is that the students of Bishop Manogue think before doing something that will hurt the school. Only because you’re not just making the custodian staff’s lives a lot harder but you’re bringing a bad representation to the students that attend this school. So please think before you act because only you can change our school for the better.