The students selected for Honor Choir from Bishop Manogue Catholic high school are all warmed up from the Honor Choir pre rehearsal and are ready for the final performance this week on the 23 of February in Carson City. These students attended the pre rehearsal on January 29 in Gardnerville led by J. Andrew Sonnemaker, the choral director of Carson High School, who prepared the students for their upcoming performance that will be directed by Dr. Jace Saplan. Dr. Saplan is a Kanaka Maoli advocate, artist, culture bearer, and the artistic director of Nā Wai Chamber Choir.
The pre rehearsal was held at Pau-Wa-Lu Middle School. The singers were organized into the voice parts of bass, tenor one and tenor two, alto one and alto two, and soprano one and soprano two. At the pre rehearsal, the choir reviewed all of the singing material and received feedback and tips from J. Andrew Sonnemaker such as rhythm, dynamics, and harmonies.
One BMCHS Honor Choir member said she felt much more prepared and confident with the music than at last year’s pre rehearsal. “Last year, I wasn’t really sure what I was doing and was lost on some of the pieces,” she admitted, “but I definitely felt well-prepared and more familiar with the music this year.”
Many other students who had participated in Honor Choir last year said that it was great to see the familiar faces of friends from the previous year and to have met some new people to share the experience with. Bishop Manogue’s Honor Choir students can’t wait to sing the arrangements that they have been working diligently on for the big performance this Friday in Carson.