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The Official News Source for Bishop Manogue Catholic High School

The Miner Detail

The Official News Source for Bishop Manogue Catholic High School

The Miner Detail

The Official News Source for Bishop Manogue Catholic High School

The Miner Detail

Ela Aonga

Ela Aonga, Staff Writer

Ela Aonga, a Senior at Bishop Manogue, loves to be involved, is here for the vibes and is very much a spirited soul. Apart from taking on different roles as a Commissioner in  Student Council for these past years, being involved in various clubs, all things Leadership and a member of the National Honors Society - Broadcast Journalism brings out all the skills she is extremely passionate about. This is her second year... and sadly - her last - being part of the Miner Detail. She has had so much fun and has loved every single second of it. She can't wait to see what this year brings and doesn't (and never will) regret being apart of the (pretty rad) team behind the Miner Detail and Miner TV. Anyways... outside of Broadcast Journalism - she loves living life to the fullest, prioritizing time with her loved ones, music OFC (idk, she just wanted to add that one in there)... and all things blissful. From her to you - ONE LUV and let's make this year the best yet!!!

All content by Ela Aonga